Welcome to the Friends of Ropner Park Website

Please visit our Facebook and Instagram sites using the links in the top right hand corner.

The Beginning of  FoRP

In October 2002, knowing that Stockton Borough Council were bidding for funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund to renovate Ropner Park, a group of local people formed a “Friends” group. It was felt that having such a group would assist SBC in their bid and would allow local people the chance to have some say in what was being done to their park.  FoRP has continued to grow and we are proud of our achievements resulting in many more visitors to the park and large attendances at our Fairs, picnics and Summer Concert Programme.  Thank you to everyone who has supported us over the years and we look forwarding to welcoming you to Ropner Park for many years to come.

Now we have a Park to be proud of

With great facilities, so many local people have come to love Ropner Park.  It has won numerous awards  since 2011, and it continues to develop and improve, thanks to the Friends of Ropner Park.  Come and see for yourself!


  • Our own café – a non profit charity café
  • A Childrens Play area
  • Tennis Courts
  • A Bowling Green
  • Ropner Lake where you can feed the ducks & geese
  • Well kept gardens and walks
  • Regular events – Click the what’s on tab to keep up to date.